*YoU ThInK yOu KnOw BuT yOu HaVe No IdEa...*


The Younger Years... | Getting Older... 6th Grade! | Alton Jones | Jay Peak | Sunday River!!!!!!!! | Cheerleading | Las Vegas | Class Day | The Party Life | The Last Days...

Let's Hear it for the ReD & the WhItE
(Who Never Lose A Fight)

*Cheerleading.... Ooooooh what a interesting season!!! hahah, we had some good times but inter-squad BATTLES, hahah... remember the bus/fire extinguisher inncident?! haha... that was scary as shit at the time but now it makes me laugh!! and then practically getting rapped by the thugs at BAIN!! ohhhh the memories... haha*



*The Cheerleading Girls: Nicole Ferrante, Tiffany Wesson, Madison Ciccone, Joanna Procopio, Laura Palumbo, Courtney Davis, Danielle DelGizzo, Abbey Jansen, Emily Fallon, Caroline Lamb, Sephie Coutoulakis, Laura Liddle, Julie Prudhomme, and Nicole D'Ambra... Alternates: Jen Bragger & Lauren Hogan*




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