*YoU ThInK yOu KnOw BuT yOu HaVe No IdEa...*
Getting Older... 6th Grade!


The Younger Years... | Getting Older... 6th Grade! | Alton Jones | Jay Peak | Sunday River!!!!!!!! | Cheerleading | Las Vegas | Class Day | The Party Life | The Last Days...

Getting Older Doesn't Mean You Grow Up!!
(Well at least not in mine & Fitz's case!)

Oh Lord... Ms. Uhrin's class and Mrs. Wilson's for S.S. and Math... 2 words about Ms. Uhrin's class: Milawakee and BRAD JANSEN! hahahahaha (brad your sooooo sexy!! NOT!! he thought i was serious hahahaha)  and about Mrs. Wilson's class: HAIL HITLAAAA!! do you guys remember how she thought she was an orcale and would be like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! and the togas!!!!
---All pictures are from Graduation Day---
I have some from when we went to Newport Creamery after but uhhh... haha

*Me and the Fitz at Hilltop... Weren't Nikki and Caroline T there too??*

*Me and Erica Pieroni*

*Nicole and Victoria*

*Lil Chris Meyer*

*Sam Ferry!!! Only with us from 5th-8th grade*